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Some thoughts on where we are headed


Some thoughts on where we are headed

Author’s note: I stated writing this piece 10 years ago almost to the day. As I sometimes do, I start a draft, get an outline done, and then promise to come back to it to add more as I have time. Sometimes that happens…sometimes it doesn’t. So, I am going to post this 10 year old part first, and then add details later to the other sections as I have time. I just think it was cool that I was thinking about these subjects a decade ago, when some of them were not widely known about. Today, so of these “out there” ideas, are almost mainstream.

Davestrodomus earning his name.

Part written in 2015

I think about the future a lot.  Some of my favorite topics include:

  1. Uploading your brain onto a chip (basically immortality)

  2. Schools as dinosaurs (people say we need them for "socialization" while instructors tell the kids to sit down, shut-up and listen to their version of the facts).

  3. The inevitable death of money (hard to imagine, but it IS inevitable)

  4. The FACT, that political representatives are no longer needed (we just haven't figured this out yet).

  5. A.I. in the most general sense, and in more anthropological ways than most people feel comfortable considering.

These topics are my favorites, because the technology to do each of these things is not "futuristic".  The technology to do these things either exists today, or will exist in the very near future.  This is not's technological fact.

Each and any of these topics above could, should and have been the topics of books, videos, podcasts, movies and endless opinions.  And they will continue to be, and should be discussed at great length going forward.  It's all important, mind-boggling stuff.

The purpose of this piece is to "work backward" from general to the more specific.  To simply crack the can open on the topics above, and just take a peak into the depth of each topic.  Because to try to do even one of these topics justice is impossible in a blog post, and maybe impossible in general.  So here goes...

Uploading your Brain

DoDo Schools

Death of Money

No need for Reps

Are we Larvae?


