EARTHSCAPES began life in Lansdale PA, at Dacota Landscape and Lawn Care. The business was started by my brother Daniel and I and it quickly grew to over a million dollars in sales and 40+ seasonal employees. If you want more information about how all that happened you can see my full Biography to fill in the blanks.
Over those early years, I learned a lot about business and the industry of landscaping. I went back to school at Temple University at their Ambler, PA campus where I studied to become a landscape architect. Unfortunately, the demands of the business prevented me from completing that degree, and I hired landscape architects instead to perform the drawing functions under my direction.
Today, I run a much smaller operation, and complete all design work and estimate work myself. Over time, I realized that this was a part of the business that I really loved, and I was no longer willing to tend to accounting, while other folks got to have all the fun.
EARTHSCAPES knows, this is where the rubber hits the road. Anyone can draw a pretty design: but do you have what it takes to make it a reality? Will the things you install endure and florish in that environment? Will your landscape suit your long term needs? Will it grow with you? Will it be too much for you to maintain?
If you don't build, taking into consideration all these factors, even the best design will soon be obsolete or unmanagable.
EARTHSCAPES would like to take this opportunity to remind anyone reading this, that there is no "maintenance free" landscape installations. Even a rock has some maintenance from time to time. That being said, we'd like design and build our landscapes to be as maintenance free as possible, or at least arm you with the facts, if you choose to build something that requires a higher level of maintenance.
We'd also like to be the people you call when that inevitable day comes when your installation (regardless of who built it) needs a little tender loving care. From mulch to pruning to solutions that require deeper planning - we'd like to be the company you call.
With a statement like that, why would you EVER consider doing it yourself, or letting some other more expensive company treat your yard? We are locally owned and operated, efficient, with 30+ years of experience in the field and not controlled by a franchise.
EARTHSCAPES is committed to Integrated Pest Management (I.P.M.) This is the part of the business that has to do with beautiful lawns. We believe that by using proper practices, we can increase the value and enjoyment of your property, while being the best possible environmental stewards.
Earthscapes plan is a little unconventional. We'd like to think it's a little more "honest" than a lot of other plans out there. Instead of loading up your lawn with nitrogen in the spring (which causes a lot of growth) we prefer to apply most of our nitrogen in the Fall. This might not be as good for business (because we can't then sell you dethatching and fungicide treatments) but it's a hell of a lot better on your lawn and on our relationship with you: our client.
This practice outlined above is called "back-loading" and it makes a lot of sense in Pennsylvania. And so do a lot of other "non-chemical" operations like Aeration and overseeding. Earthscape stays fluent in all the latest and greatest technology and practices, so we can formulate the best program possible and keep our clients informed in regard to why we do, what we do. Click to see our new "Silver PLUS" program offering. By adding this option to our application options, we've allowed customers to modify their plans to more directly address their specific needs without necessarily raising any prices for clients not needing additional serices. And we do that, because it's the right way to do business.
Or, you can create your own completely custom program. We provide some standard programs to assist in goals, budget and outcomes.
You can find more about specifics of our programs by checking in occassionally at the Journal page of this website or by "liking" our Facebook page or joining our mailing list using the box below.
EARTHSCAPES shines brightest when it comes to stone, pavers, and outdoor rooms. We pride ourselves on our ability to artistically bring the outdoors in, and the indoors out. We love to blur the line between you inside life, and your outdoor recreation.
No words really needed here. Just take a look at some of our indoor and outdoor offerings, and see if you don't agree that Earthscapes can ROCK THE HOUSE!
Use the form below, and tell us as much or as little as you like. We will get back to you just as soon as possible!