Mission: Organic Zen lawns
Think of nature, lawns and grass as we are coming to think of our own human body.
Organic Zen Philosophy:
Present Philosophy:
We take the time to discover what makes us most happy in life. We educate ourselves in regard to the science of balanced nutrician. We then make an effort eat what is best for us. Usually, that requires a bit more effort and at first. Sometimes those product are a little more expense. However, in the long run, potential savings of both may be realized on the back-end of the equation. The goal is to lay the foundational groundwork so that we can break out of functing at "acceptable levels" in order to achieve optimium levels. And once achieved, reap the long-term benefits of foundational solutions - based in preventative science - instead of treating symptoms and setting up dimishing returns.
We begin with a soil test to determine detailed soil characteristics.
We then use those test results to create a custom, soil-base program to ensure optimum plant health.
Knowing that good soil and a healthy stand of grass is the best way to prevent lawn pests and problems: we make that our goal.
By establishing a balanced grass and soil, we can minimize the need for corrective measures. Herbicides, nutrient amendments and watering needs and all reduced: while maintaining optimum health and wellness.
We hurry, and we take shortcuts to stay afloat in this fast pace of life. We eat what we can, when we can. We nourish ourselves based more in quick rewards, than in long-term benefit. When stressed: we eat, only because its a requirement of continued life. This practice allows us to keep going from season to season, functioning at an acceptable level: but certainly not at optimium levels. When this cycle of poor nutrician and stress ultimately causes us to get sick or weak, we take reactive measures like vitamins or antibiotics to combat the problem. Sometimes the solutions we use can do more harm than the original problems themselves. This sets up a cycle of diminishing returns to health and wellness.
We want to apply timely nutrients, so we use established science to make generalized assesments about regions.
We apply in an efficient way, trying to address the lawn's basic needs for nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. If successfully timed and applied, the lawn can keep going from season to season, functioning at an acceptable level: but maybe not at optimium levels.
If the lawn becomes stressed, or unhealthy, we use pesticides, herbicides and other corrective measures to address the problem.
Already excited and sold on the idea of Organic "Zen" lawn products?
Still need more convincing? NO PROBLEM!
Read on. the sections below get into products and some of the specifics in regard to how we came to offer these organic products, what they do, and why...
Organic Products to attain Zen:
Traditionally, lawn fertilizers are petroleum based. These products work fine in most cases, and have been the reliable, proven solution to poor grass health and appearance for 50+ years. These products play (and will continue to play) a vital role in the lawn and garden industry - and for good reason. These products offer very satisfactory results, at prices that work with most budgets. This is why Earthscapes will continue to use these tried and true methods for the majority of our client base, as other technologies are developed, tested and yield quantifiable results.
That is not to say they are the only solution.
And that is why Earthscapes is introducing some organic products and companies that treat turf care a little differently. These folks want to create organic solutions that literally work "from the ground...up".
Below are a couple of solutions that Earthscapes has found to be particularly exciting. The theory makes sense to us, and the ideas (although not really "new") are new to most clients. This isn't snake oil. We've talked to people who have been applying these processes for years, and most seem to feel this is the future of the lawns and most of the green industry in general.
Imagine how well this might help a southern facing hill location or other lawn areas that has trouble retaining moisture. Game changer!
This is an interesting company started by Justin Timberlake after he became aware of the outlandish nutrient and water needs of golf courses. He felt he could help do better.
Since then, Carbon (also known as Biochar), has been used successfully at Timberlake's award winning golf courses and many other fine turf locations.
The science of this product is WAY too much to get into on this page. Sufice to say that after learning of the common sense of BioChar, mixed with the science and test results shown on the website and in our educational seminars:
Earthscapes is sold!
Click HERE or on any of the images in this section to visit the Solu-Cal website for much more on their product line.
After you are excited and feel comfortable with what you learn, go to the bottom of this page, and let us prepare a quote for you and your lawn!
Earthscapes was made aware of this product at the recommendation of a long-time friend and colleague. A person, who we take great pride in saying we helped get started in the industry way back in 1987.
This friend has gone on to work for a few green industry companies in both the applicator and sales capacity. During those experiences, he became familiar with the Solu-Cal line.
My friend of thirty years went on to tell me how of all the organic products he has used over his 30 year career, this one seemed the most proven effective in regard lawn health and wellness. He went on to say that it's also cost effective, and easy to apply. These things can not be said of many organic products on the market.
These products EXCEL in effecting pH and multiply the effects of standard applications.
Click HERE or on any of the images in this section to visit the Solu-Cal website for much more on their product line.
After you are excited and feel comfortable with what you learn, go to the bottom of this page, and let us prepare a quote for you and your lawn!