Want real change in a conservative direction? Maybe it's time to take a different tack.
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Social commentary
A photo journal of my annual "fat to less fat" that happens each spring.
My kids have been ripped off by the Gifted program. Have yours?
After a summer vacation in New Jersey in 2012, the author got a foreshadowing of the pedestrian laws that were proposed in Pennsylvania. Now, 4 years later, these warnings are now manifest.
An antidotal combination of Greek life topics from Bloomsburg University, that paint a picture of the mindset that plagues and prevents our systems of higher education from producing exceptional graduates.
A viewpoint more distant than our own.
I'm offering to dedicate "my final trimester" of my professional life to the vision of this man. Here's why.
Do victims of violent crime progress differently after the event, and make choices that are representative or unrepresentative of the unvictimized population?
5 words people use all the time, that drive me nuts because they mislead.
Larken Rose delivers a very convincing short piece of evidence in regard to why government is dangerous, and why you should reject it at it's very core values.
A explanation of why American voters vote the way they do, and how savvy politicians position themselves to cash in.
Usually I error on the side of "less is more". Sometimes, that doesn't work. This article is about one example when simply doing the minimum, wasn't cutting it for me.
This is an open letter to Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul in regard to how to achieve the "revolution" they claim to want. There exists an opportunity to really shake things up. Will you sieze it, or let it go by?
Bernie Sanders is the antagonist in an Ayn Rand novel. He comes saying all the right things, but behind the "empathy" is the belief that power is based in influence, and not achievement or conscent.
I might not agree with Bernie, but he does have some positive, notable qualities.
A quick experience with tolerance, that left me wondering which direction we are going on this issue.
A very long, complete treatment of my experience with "hazing" at Bloomsburg University.
I wanted to learn how to farm fish while growing hydroponic plants. This is how my experiment in learning began.