Earthscapes/RAC: committed to trail building in Central PA
Below is our a sampling of trails we've designed, built and maintained. We can do it ourselves, or partner with our Associate. Elijah Evans Excavating, to provide services to all trail projects, big and small.
If you ride or run: you build and maintain.
This was how it started for us. We enjoyed riding and trail running, so we joined groups and offered help with maintinance. This led to events. Events led to classes. Classes led to International Mountain Biking Association compliance and certification in regard to building sustainable (as they call them, "Funstainable") trails.
So here we are, years later and lots of miles, trips, earthmoving, and bush-whacking under out belts.
Hopewell Park
Situated at the intersection of Route 11 and Woodbine Lane in Danville (across from the Sheetz) is this hidden gem of mountain biking. With approaching 10 miles of purpose-built, single track trail; Hopewell has something for everyone. Admittedly, it leans more towards the more fit and experienced riders, but out small dirt pump track and IMBA inspired jump park is always popular with the younger crowd. Each year it gets a little better and the big news for 2021 is the plans for a paved, professionally build pump track of epic proportions.
the Flywheel Wall on Hopewell’s Bullet Baby Trail. It’s memorable.
Geisinger Stewardship Forest -
Helped map, plan, build, maintain, promote and monetize these trails to benefit the local community: namely the Montour Area Recreation Commission and Geisinger's Children's Miracle Network. We were involved in the original Organizer Team that created the Tour de Tykes Mountain bike race. We have been involved in semi-annual IMBA inspired trail rebuilds and repairs to improve the less sustainable original offerings and replace them with more reasonable and durable options.

North Branch Canal Trail
This project began about 14 years ago. The idea of re-establishing the old Canal Tow Path, as a trail for recreation activites. We have been involved in this trail since the beginning and are please to say that all roadblocks have been removed, surveying is complete, and municipal entities now either own all the land needed to make the trail a success, or have variances or agreements to proceed.
Primary planning for the project is now in the hands of the Montour Area Recreation Commission (MARC). We intend to stay involved until completion in whatever ways are necessary. You can follow the project and learn all the details at the MARC webpage dedicated to the initiative.

Hess Field / Robbins Trail
The oldest purpose built rail-trail in the United States (and most likely the world) is in our backyard and we've had the pleasure of making it a very popular local attraction for people both near and far. We've been involved since the days when the Borough was forced to consider closing the park due to limited maintenance funds. The Montour Area Recreation Commission (MARC - then Montour County Recreation Authority) was tasked with finding solutions: and solutions were found. David Decoteau was the President of MCRA at that time, and later became the first Director of MARC.
Here are some pictures of the progress of Hess Field during our involvement:

“The Montour Area Recreation Commission has worked with the Riverside Adventure Company since 2010 to help design, build and maintain our network of pedestrian, mountain bike and multi-use trails in and around Montour County, PA. Dave and the Riverside Adventure Company know that building good trails is as much an art as an engineering project. Dave brings a lifetime of trail use to a project, always keeping in mind the needs and desires of the intended trail users. Though at a fundamental level every trail is designed to connect Point A to Point B, Dave and the Riverside Adventure Company make that connection an experience to savor and remember long after your time on the trail has ended. If you are looking to create a trail that your users will truly enjoy, the Riverside Adventure Company can help turn your vision into a reality.”
“A number of years ago, the idea of addressing recreation as a quality-of-life issue in Montour County was broached by a group of enthusiastic people with big ideas. Their initial efforts were not always met with welcome arms. But they persevered, changed minds and, ultimately, changed the face of Montour County. Dave DeCoteau was at the forefront of those changes. Dave was the driving force in designing and building trails that turned Montour County’s natural resources into an accessible, beautiful, inviting place for County residents as well as the many, many visitors who find their way here expressly to utilize the trails and facilities imagined and realized by Dave. From that seed of “what if” planted and later cultivated by Dave, recreational opportunities have flourished in Montour County, and we thank him for his vision, his creations and his unfailing enthusiasm.”
“I am writing to express the Borough’s sincere appreciation for and recommendation of David Decoteau’s skills in the field of recreational trail construction and maintenance.
For several years, Mr. Decoteau has been intimately involved with promoting and enhancing recreational trail opportunities throughout the Borough of Danville and Montour County. Specifically, he was key in restoring the Hess Recreation Area trail network – one of the most popular in our area – to a great condition, adding the covered bridge, inner wetland trails, and new restroom facilities near the parking area.
Mr. Decoteau was also an important player in working to create, promote, and repair the trail system at the Geisinger Stewardship Forest. Again applying his knowledge, leadership, and abilities, he worked with other local users to reroute many old, unsustainable, dangerous, and ecologically unsound logging roads into hiking and biking trails that were in line with the International Mountain Biking Association’s (IMBA) guidelines for design and construction.
More recently, Mr. Decoteau was a primary volunteer in efforts to add a recreational trail network to Hopewell Park and the Borough’s adjacent forested lands. A cooperative effort between Montour County, the Borough of Danville, and the Montour Area Recreation Commission, the area is now home to a regionally recognized mountain biking and walking trail network, greatly enhancing a public asset while opening it up to hundreds of new users annually.
While the Borough of Danville cherishes its parks system and recreational lands, the simple fact is that no unit of government can produce, budget for, or replicate the raw enthusiasm, sense of community pride, willingness to volunteer, and willingness to freely give of his skills, time, and ability that Mr. Decoteau exhibits. It is no exaggeration to say that without the efforts of Mr. Decoteau and people like him, our citizens would not enjoy the excellent trail amenities they are blessed with today.”
Do you want trails for your community or organization?
If you would like information about helping build local trails or how Riverside Adventure Company can help you with your project from design to completion, drop us a line, using the form below.