Riverside Adventure Company - Dirty Grin offerings
Use this page to schedule any of the offerings below that interest you. Pick as many as you like, but remember that these offerings are OUTSIDE of the offerings of the Dirty Grin Mountain Bike Festival and as a result will have an extra charge associated with them.
Class sizes are limited and sorted by skill level. If you aren’t sure what skill level you are, please estimate down. That is to say, if you are thinking you are somewhere between “beginner” and “intermediate”…pick “beginner”. No one wants to be the person who is under the skill level they have selected, and as a result “that person” who is holding everyone up.
None of these offerings are “Beginner” level. There will be plenty of activities and self-guided opportunities for that as part of the Festival itself. You don’t have to be super-human or a participant in the Red Bull Rampage to participate in these offerings: but if you are just starting out into the world of mountain biking… these aren’t for you.