If you vote for Biden or Trump…you hate America

There really is no question about it. How much evidence do you need?

Look at these two old, psychotic criminals.

Option 1. - Senile, plagiarizing, sniffy - touchy, back-room-dealing, resume-embellishing, career politician, Obama puppet.


Option 2 - Vindictive, crude, womanizing, multiple charges, narcissistic, corrupt “business man” and reality series star.

This is your choice that the two party system is offering you for the most powerful job on the planet?

  • This is the best we have?

  • How much is it going to take?

  • How much are you going to put up with?

  • Is there a limit to how much shit you will eat, or how many boots you will lick?

I am starting to think that “Americans” (I put that in quotes, because what we are today is not worthy of that word in a historical sense) have an unlimited capacity to tolerate ineptitude, theft, tyranny and servitude…as long as it doesn’t interfere with Dancing with the Stars. Is this really what we have become? Is that who YOU are?

The Evidence

This list could literally go on forever. We all know it’s completely broken is so many ways. I will list just a few of the highlights, because to fully outline all the failure would need several books and endless updates:

  1. Our legislature will not legislate…unless it’s to pass outrageous spending bills to fund proxy wars.

  2. The SCOTUS has far more power than it was ever designed to have (See item one above for why). It’s the weakest part of our system of governance, and the least representative.

  3. The Debt - Incomprehensible numbers. So unreal, that no one even cares…until the dollar breaks.

  4. The money - How do you like this inflation? Pretty cool right? No way for our younger people to make enough to live anywhere but little apartments….and we are just getting rolling.

  5. Elections - Everyone says they are broken…no one does a thing to fix it.

  6. Bills packed with pork - give the bill a name that you can’t vote against, like the Be Nice to Puppies Act…then jam it full of crap that no one wants or needs and put that on the backs of those who can least afford to pay. (Note, I was going to use the Be Nice to Babies Act as my example, but I figured Puppies was safer)

  7. Immigration - everyone says it’s broken, who is drafting a reasonable path to citizenship for folks? No one, that’s who.


    The Democrats

Woke - trying to fix one racism with more racism.

Using the Intelligence services against past Presidents - this will make us into a banana republic.

Making up fake dossiers - Using the legal system and propaganda for regime change…here at home.

Buying foreign policy - Send money and call it “aid” that is really proxy war funding.

Cheating Even if you don’t believe they flat out stole the Election with Trump, you can’t deny that Hillary and Donna Brazille ADMITTED to cheating at the debate. Brazille ADMITTED to giving Hillary the questions before the event so she could prepare. To me; this is election fraud and treason. The punishments for each are well specified in our rules of governance…and yet we accept it and do nothing.

“our democracy” - you hear policians say this all the time today. This or that is “threatening OUR democracy”. Translated, what that means is, the state has deemed anything that threatens the state as “un-American” so any questioning or changes are “a threat to THEIR VERSION of democracy” and will not be tolerated. We must keep the elite in power at all time…regardless of costs or loss of liberty.

The Republicans

Don’t stop anything the democrats do. AND FOR JUST THAT ONE REASON…THEY ARE EQUALLY TO BLAME. They are no better. They don’t hold any moral high ground. They are more than happy to take up the illegal powers the democrats have mandated and usurped. And why not? People will pull the lever for these clown no matter how bad they are. Zero consequences for their behaving unconstitutionally or outside of their powers. So why not take everyone’s power and freedoms…if they are so eager to give them?

What won’t work

“Tweaks”. No, “Tweaks” won’t work. We’ve been trying to tweak the two party system for my entire life. Anyone who says “we can vote for the lesser of two evils our way out of this mess” is mistaken and isn’t paying attention. You have to decide NOT TO VOTE FOR EVIL AT ALL. I am 61 years old, and have voted in every election and it’s gotten us exactly here. How’s that working for you? What is needed is a STATEMENT VOTE. Change the dynamic. Shake it up.

Term limits - Nope. The system is corrupt all the way to the smallest, most rural and grass roots level. I have seen it with my own eyes. I have seen really good men rejected by their parties when they decide to run because they won’t fully compromise the ethics, in favor of full and complete adoption of the company line. If you have ethics or morals; you are unceremoniously drummed out of two party politics early in the process…and don’t let the door hit you in the ass.

Do you want ACTUAL change?

Do you think you deserve better than this?
Do you think you deserve better than a false choice between two horrible humans?

Then throw both parties out!




Honestly, what do you have to lose? Voting for the two party system has got us exactly here. Keep doing the same thing, and YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!

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