Summons the Christmas demon


Summons the Christmas demon

from $95.00

- Lights up too soon?
- Christmas music before Thanksgiving?
- General or specific naughtiness?

Yeah, we'll Krampus that.

Krampus hours:
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What Krampus does:

Our Krampus (or Krampus and camera person, depending on what level service you select) will reign unholy terror on the subject of your holiday outrage.  It's going to be weird, and uncomfortable, and maybe scary for some.  Krampus isn't there to be nice.  Call the fat guy if you want that feel-good crap.  Krampus is about giving the naughty their comeuppance.

How Krampus does it:

Krampus has a variety of tricks up his sleeve (actually cloven goat hoof arm).  He can unplug offensive Christmas lights.  Make tons of noice to disrupt too early or obnoxious Christmas music.  Stuff bad kids in bags (if he can catch them).  Hit stuff with his tree branch.  Make babies cry.  Make adults cry.  Knock stuff over, and make a pain of himself.  Krampus does not do anything illegal or dangerous.  He's a fearsom beast, but he tones it down a bit for this gig.  There will be little or no dismemberment.

Selecting a service level:

Select the proper amount of time you believe you will need Krampus.  We make it pretty quick, because Krampus wants to be gone, before any "goody-two-shoes" call the police on him.  But Krampus does need time to travel, get ready and deliver the justice.  Base your time needs on your target's area as a distance from central Pennsylvania and the Danville Area.  If you miscalculate, you will get a prorated bill for the balance of the time, over your estimated amount needed.  Krampus doesn't like "misestimates" so think clearly, and choose wisely.  It is not a good idea to make Krampus mad.

Camera person

Having a camera person is a good idea on many levels:
- they help Krampus spend more time terrorizing, and less time organizing.
- they capture the moments of the punishment, in ways that will not happen otherwise.
- They keep Krampus from "mission creep" that could include... well, let's not talk about that.

The camera person option costs a little more, but you will be glad to have the second person in the end.

Below are some videos so you can become a Krampus expert.

Summons the Christmas demon
from $95.00

- Lights up too soon?
- Christmas music before Thanksgiving?
- General or specific naughtiness?

Yeah, we'll Krampus that.